When Things Finally Start Working Out

I’m a tad bit overwhelmed, but in the best ways. I seem to have lost track of time, and I remember last year my blog entries here were written with a more troubled mindset. I was dealing with the decision of leaving my job so I could finally succeed with my business, and here I am checking back in having achieved success in a few ways.



I don’t know how, but it just seems that in the last month, everything has taken off. I’ve had 3 online articles come out, my custom cake orders have increased by quite a lot, and I now have 5 wholesale clients that I sell baked goods to. To have 5 different cafes and shops around Atlanta selling my stuff is a dream come true. There are so many more great things on the horizon too, and that’s what’s caused me to stop for a minute and realized how much I have going on now, all because I made that extremely difficult leap of faith last year. I have never been happier, and I can’t believe how much I haven’t missed my old job.


I took a stroll down memory lane this morning, because as all these good things keep happening, it makes me reflect and be grateful for the crazy long journey I’ve been on. Everything I’ve wanted to achieve in life, or witness for myself, I’ve done anything to achieve and witness. I will stop at nothing to reach my goals, especially now. I’m finally established and growing in the community, and I’m so proud of that. To think that this all started with YouTube videos and now 6 years later I have a business not only selling custom cakes and desserts, but wholesale stuff to other businesses, monthly Instagram content partnerships, and an online store, it’s just mind boggling.


6 years ago, I had no idea what I was doing or where I was going. I was horribly depressed and making a lot of bad choices. The one thing I still have in common with myself 6 years ago is that I don’t give up. I don’t say something is too hard and choose an easier route. I will do anything to be happy and feel successful. I’ve lost too many friends recently to have a different mindset. Life is too short and unpredictable to waste any time. The amount of big things I’ve accomplished in the last year, thanks to this mindset, is overwhelming to look at. Food Network, the news, a newspaper, online articles, and more. Here I am today wondering how it all happened, but I know exactly how it all happened. I worked my butt off. I didn’t let the judgement of anyone else stop me. I learned from my mistakes and grew from them.


It's never too early or too late to start your journey. It’s ok to be scared, but don’t let that stop you. You should be scared. You should be nervous. Achieving your goals isn’t supposed to be easy. It’s supposed to test you in every way possible. It’s supposed to carve a new person out of you. If you never try to go for what you want, you’ll never know what it feels like to have it.


No More Wasting Time


Life Is Short, So I Try Even Harder