The Final Trip

Here I am in Paris on my final trip as a flight attendant. I have to say I’m not feeling sad, rather very lucky, actually, extremely lucky. Over the last 4 years as I’ve tried to figure my life out, decide what I wanted to do for a living and career, and discover myself, I had the privilege to travel the world. I had a job that allowed me to see places I never had before, many of which I thought I’d never get to see. It’s emotional being here knowing that tomorrow is my final flight, and that it’ll likely be a while before I get to come back to Paris or any other city overseas.


Paris is significant to me because it was always the first place I wanted to see. It was the first international trip I got to work as a flight attendant. It’s the home of one of my closest friends. It’s a center of culture and cuisine, much of which influenced my journey in baking and food altogether. I wouldn’t have chosen any other place for my last work trip, and of course I’ll be back here in the future, but knowing that I got to experience this place a number of times because of my job is something I will never take for granted or forget. I would not very likely be in an extremely different situation had I not found this job. I may have not had the financial stability to finally work for myself, or the knowledge and social skills I’ve gained to grow in the world of social media. This job really taught me…well.. almost everything. It taught me how to love all people, it taught me how to appreciate the world, it taught me how to be grateful for what you have. In the end, I wasn’t happy. I knew that I’d reach a time when I could no longer balance this job with my business endeavors, because as I’ve said before, I can’t reach my biggest goals if I’m not giving them 100% of my time and effort. So, it’s a bittersweet moment for sure, but mostly sweet.

I’ve had the privilege to visit 21 countries in my mere 4 years with this job, and to think of all the cultural influence and exposure that gave me is mind boggling. The world is huge, every place is so different, yet we get so caught up with our own lives that we sometimes forget there’s anyone else out there. Having witnessed so much in such little time, it’s made it very clear in my mind that life is never guaranteed. Time is limited. You don’t get it back. Life is short and you never know what it will throw at you, so why waste any of it? I know I’m still young at 28, but I refuse to live another day without giving it my all to achieve my dreams. I want a life that I’m proud of, and while I already am quite proud of my life and what I’ve accomplished, there is still so much I want to do and achieve, and it’s time to give it my all. First I traveled the world, now it’s time to conquer it.


The One Man Business


200 Recipes Later…